I bet the one thing you don't think about when preparing to bug out, is what are your kids going to do if you are stuck in some unknown location or the wilderness for an indefinite amount of time? Do they need their own bug out bag? And what are you going to put in your kids bug out bag?
"I'm bored" has got to be one of the most common and annoying phrases your kid can say. And this is when they are in the comfort of their own home, with an array of electronics to keep them amused.
5 Kids Bug Out Bag Games
Can you image what your kids would be like without their electronics? We are so consumed these days with constant stimulation that we become immune to it and are constantly looking for that next entertainment fix. Well, I'll tell you right now, your kids are going to need some kind of 'fix' in the event that you do bug out.
So that's what this article is all about. Giving you 5 simplistic options to give your kids their fix that will allow you (the adult) to worry about your families survival and next meal. Rather then fending off "I'm bored". I guess you could call this our Special Kids Bug Out Bag Addition.
1. Animal Pairs Memory Game
Who hasn't at some point played memory? Pretty sure my kid still plays with a Sponge Bob Square Pants Set that she got over seven years ago. Memory is pretty awesome and is one of the best games for stimulating the memory part of your kids brain. It develops their memory and thinking and what is most important, it entertains them.
What makes this Animal Tile Memory Game better than others is the fact that drawings are made on wooden tiles. That means they are bigger than paper or cardboard and they aren’t so easily lost. There are 12 pairs in the game, which means 24 wooden tiles. That is more than enough for kids to have a blast for a couple of hours.
2. Spot It
Spot it is like an upgraded memory game. It is not about memory, it is about your eye for details. The game has 55 cards which are in a shape of a coaster and each card has about 8 drawings on it.
The main rule in Spot It, Gone Camping is to notice the same drawing on two cards. You can lay more cards out and you have to find only one drawing which is identical to two cards. It may seem like an easy task but you have to consider that there are other drawings and other players around. It is a game of speed, adrenaline, and details. Your kids will love this game because only seconds discern losers from winners. I am pretty sure you will also find this game entertaining. Best to pack it in your kids bug out bag.
3. Super Silly Mad Libs
Mad Libs have been on the market since the 1950s which means you as a parent may already know what the game is about and more than likely played it at least once.
If you don’t know what I am talking about, let me refresh your memory. Mad Libs is a game where you fill in the blanks to a sentence with the a list of words you have to make it sound as funny and ridiculous as possible. Kids love Mad Libs because they love to make silly stories and they will find this game hilarious. Another great thing about it is the fact that your kid will practice reading and writing while having fun and bugging out. Win, win!
4. Foosball IPad Stand
Now this particular gadget is somewhat out of the realm of wilderness bugging out, but if you have access to say a car charger, this can definitely work. What makes this interesting gadget so cool is the fact that it combines two worlds – virtual and real. The gadget looks like a mini foosball table and it has everything one foosball table should have. It has two scoring systems, four rods on each side (eight in total) and it has a place for the iPad which is used as the playing field.
This Foosball Ipad Game is made by New Potato Technology and it connects the foosball stand to your iPad. You can use their application – Classic Match Foosball (free to download) because other games may not work on the gadget. The best part about it is that you don’t have to worry about the battery. You can plug the stand to your car charger and your kids can play foosball for hours.
5. Scrabble To Go Board Game
Scrabble To Go is for kids above the age of 6 (when they start or are in the process of learning how to read and write). I like this game because it is easy to play and you can’t lose any letter because every part of the game has its place.
The letters you have in front of you are fixed on a special holder and the letters you put on the board can also be fixed. The board is placed in a zipper which means you can easily close it midgame and take a break. It can fit in any backpack and what is most important, it will keep a family of four entertained for a few hours.
Kids Bug Out Bag Games Conclusion
You know there really is a huge list of ways to keep your kids entertained when bugging out and sure you could rely solely on the outdoorsy stuff. But let's be a little real here, kids these days are the next generation and most are born with an unexplainable and uncanny ability to navigate their way around any piece of technology. I know I still hand my Ipad to my daughter when I get stuck (which is quite often actually).
So the reason I'm suggesting these modern style board and card games is the entertainment and stimulation factor. By playing these games, they stimulate their creativeness and imagination, which may just help you out of a bad survival situation at some point. So do the right thing and pack some fun in your kids bug out bag.