Metal detectors are designed to find metals and gold is typically a kind of metal. However, there are factors to consider in finding gold nuggets with metal detectors. You must first know the metal detector features that you will use and the kind of objects it can find.
It has long been proven metal detectors can find gold nuggets using the type of metal detector which has ground-levelling functions and features to locate gold. So, metal detectors are the best equipment for finding gold. Therefore it is very important to know all the information about the metal detector device that you will use and its features.
Do All Types Of Metal Detectors Detect Gold?
All types of metal detectors work the same by producing a magnetic field that responds to the objects buried underground. However, the response that you might receive from your metal detector will vary from several factors:
- It depends on the frequency level of the metal detector
- The soil type of the ground area where you are searching
- The conduction of the other metals hidden in the area
- Its orientation, shape, and size of the object
- How deep is the object buried?
So, not all metal detectors are accurate or constant enough to detect any gold nuggets or gold grains. Also, metal detectors which run lower frequencies are not really effective in locating gold due to gold size and lower conductivity. But, metal detectors with higher frequencies are better in locating gold because it has the ability to recognize small-sized materials in a more accurate function. This is the topic for the separate article, more on gold metal detectors can be learned here.
Additionally, the gold compounds have more conductivity with those high-frequency waves compared to low ones. According to many gold miners, the best type of metal detector they have used is the Pulse Induction metal detector. It is costlier than the lower frequency ones, but it has the best features for gold searching. Also, gold is normally situated in areas with high mineralization.
So, low-frequency metal detectors have difficulty getting the ground conductivity in those areas with lots of minerals like salt. Hence, the pulse induction metal detector has the gold optimization function, which enables it to work over high mineralization and still locate the gold.
Gold Prospecting
How deep can your gold prospecting metal detector reach? More advanced technology metal detectors can uncover gold even as tiny as half of a grain. The larger gold nuggets are significantly located on bigger depths.
The search coils of the metal detectors play a big role in detecting the gold objects underground. The VLF metal detectors are very responsive to gold, but it is also very subtle to soil minerals. And, these minerals are present even in the best-producing gold prospecting parts of the earth.
However, it is very good to be aware that there is a way to tune a metal detector for mineral discrimination. Hence, this is the best feature and strength of the Pulse Induction metal detector, as it has the ability to ignore the hardest ground mineral surroundings, and you can successfully find your gold nuggets even in its deepest setting.
In gold prospecting, it is very important to know about the ground balance. The metal detector must have the feature to control the ground balance. The main purpose of this feature is it allows the metal detector machine to filter out the adjust button to the iron content in the ground. Pulse Induction metal detectors have the feature which automatically tracks the round with lesser adjustment to get the ground signal response of detecting the gold.
When you are going gold hunting, you have to know and decide first if you are looking for smaller objects like gold grains or are you more interested in larger ones like gold nuggets. By principle, the metal detectors which can locate smaller gold grains are less costly than those machines or devices that can reach depth larger sizes of gold nuggets.
A tiny grain of gold is often found in the upper part, like from about 2 inches (5.08 cm) underground in the areas where it is rich in gold. However, bigger gold nuggets are best found in areas with about five inches deep or more. The pulse induction metal detector is a machine that can significantly locate gold at a depth of 12 inches (30.48 cm) or one foot.
So, do metal detectors detect gold nuggets? The answer is yes, it can. You just need to take note of some function limitations of the metal detector that you will use. Gold nuggets and gold grains are normally traced by using better equipment or a high-grade machine.
Metal detectors with high frequency have more chance of detecting gold. So, whatever type of gold you would like to search for, the Pulse Induction metal detector is the best device for you.
Also, before you go to purchase your metal detector to find gold, you must have more knowledge and awareness of what you are going to venture into.
It is advised that you must do your research in finding your best search areas. You have to make sure that it has proof that there is success gold hunting in there. Most of the gold producing parts of the world are surely documented. Make sure that you operate legally and permission to search in the area. And, most importantly, enjoy the adventure!
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